Covid's Impact on Friendships

Last weekend we had our first outing with friends since pre-covid (early 2020).

It was so wonderful to catch up, have in-person conversations and something I didn’t realize I missed…being able to feel their actual emotion and intention behind what they were saying. That last part is important. As we know, the facial expressions and emotions is something like 90% of how we take in what people are saying. When we can see and hear the emotion and intention behind someone’s words, we rarely mistake what they are saying.

However, if we just read the words (let’s say on Facebook) and cannot see their face or hear their voice, then we are reading their words through our own filter and interpreting them based on how WE feel. I don’t know about you, but the last 16 months have been an emotional rollercoaster, so how has this affected our personal filters? Not just how we take information in, but also how we react and speak to people.

As we reenter “the real world” of in-person events, I’m curious to see how certain friendships will be post-covid. Many of my friendships have actually grown stronger thanks to having more time to virtually connect or simply missing the hell out of them and happy to reconnect, but there are some friendships that have taken a huge hit and as much as I hate to admit it, will likely never be the same.

If this has taught us anything it's that who we surround ourselves with is so very important for our mental health and how we respond to the world around us.

As we begin integrating ourselves back into the world, in-person classes, events, etc., remind yourself about the kind of person you want to be and the kind of impact you want to make. Then focus your reintegration time on the relationships that inspire you to be that person. Not only will you be happier and more likely to achieve your goals, but you’ll make an even bigger impact on those around you and have a deeper appreciation for those relationships.

Feel free to reply and let me know your thoughts on this. I always love hearing from you.



Quitting Is For Losers...and Heros!


Keeping promises to myself