Did the Wicked Witch have Imposter Syndrome?

"Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many people question whether they're deserving of accolades."

Does anyone else resonate with this? I think I've felt this way about every job-related role I've ever had. It's likely part of the reason I'm obsessed with self-improvement and continuously learning all the things. In a way, feeling like I'm not good enough has created a monster of an overachiever. I'm kind of ok with the outcome but would love to maybe one day feel like I am good enough and deserving.

Lately, I've been addicted to listening to female entrepreneur speakers. This past week I listened to a visualization meditation by Ayódele O Kolade. She guided us through a visualization meditation on Imposter Syndrome as if we were Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. I know it sounds strange, but stay with me. I'll give you the short version.

You are Dorothy and you take a little stroll down the yellow brick road.

Scarecrow: The scarecrow "thinks" he doesn't have a brain (aka all the knowledge he needs) but ultimately he realizes he can learn anything.

So Dorothy takes the scarecrow (symbolizing learning and knowledge) along the path. Soon they run into
Tin Man: The Tin Man "thinks" he doesn't have a heart, but in reality, he cares so much about the people that he wants to help and his heart is what guides him.

So Dorothy takes her knowledge and her heart and continues along the path. Soon she runs into
Cowardly Lion: He's scared. He doesn't think he has it in him to be brave. But he does it anyway and realizes it's not so scary.

Ultimately Dorothy confronts her Imposter Syndrome (aka the wizard) and realizes she has everything she needs to overcome it.
She can gain the knowledge she needs
She has the heart and passion and cares for the people she wants to serve
She might be scared, but she does it anyway

I'm 100% sure I did not do this story justice, but I hope you get the point :)

Did this magically cure my imposter syndrome? Hell no. I think that would take Glenda the good witch.
Did it help me put things into perspective with a cutesy little story that I could easily remember when I was feeling like an imposter? Hell yes.

So next time you feel like you aren't good enough or feel imposter syndrome kicking in, just pretend you are wearing these freaking gorgeous sparkly Louboutins and do it anyway. You have everything you need.


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