Let’s Do the Twist
FCBD®Style steps like slow turns, Egyptian basic and some pivot bump family moves show off the beautiful twisty and spiral shapes that our bodies can make in motion. A twist is essentially when our shoulders and hips are facing different directions. This not only requires some coordination and balance, but flexibility and strength in several muscles. Twisting is very beneficial for your spine and abdominal organs. We simply don't do it enough so it's very important to do a few light twists before demanding your body do it for an hour in a dance class.
Here are a few light twists you can do before and after your next FCBD®Style class. If you are working on twisting more and not just warming up for class, I recommend doing these at least three times a week. Be gentle while still working to find your edge in each movement. Remember, your body is different every day. So breath and listen to it as you move through these.
1. Keep your spine nice and long. Slight engagement of your low abdominals (like dance posture) and crown of your head reaching towards the ceiling. You need to create space in order to twist safely and effectively.
2. As you inhale, find length as mentioned above. As you exhale, slowly twist. Use your full inhale to lengthen and your full exhale to twist. This will ensure you find your deepest movement without just using momentum to get there.
3. Hold each movement for at least three breaths. Every inhale lengthen, every exhale gaze a little farther in the direction you are twisting. Your body will go where your eyes go.
4. Opposition is key!! For upper body twists, keep your hips level and facing straight. For lower body twists, keep your shoulders level and facing straight.
5. Remember that each side is slightly different so don't rush and don't assume the twist will feel the same on each side. Check in with your body every day and move slowly to find your edge.
Seated Side Strech
While this isn't a twist, it helps create space in the side body to prepare for twisting.
Keep both hips are grounded, shoulders both pointing forward.
To stretch right: Place your right hand on the floor beside you. Inhale your left arm straight up by your ear, exhale bend your torso to the right. You can gaze up or down for additional neck stretch.
To stretch left: Place your left hand on the floor beside you. Inhale your right arm straight up by your ear, exhale bend your torso to the left. You can gaze up or down for additional neck stretch.
Repeat a few times on each side.
Seated Twist
Keep both hips grounded.
To twist right: Place your right hand on the floor behind you so your hand is as close to your sacrum (low spine) as possible. This will allow your arm to be close along your spine and provide extra support. Place your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. Inhale lengthen your spine, exhale slowly twist gazing over your right shoulder.
To twist left: Place your left hand on the floor behind you so your hand is as close to your sacrum (low spine) as possible. This will allow your arm to be close along your spine and provide extra support. Place your right hand on the outside of your left thigh. Inhale lengthen your spine, exhale slowly twist gazing over your left shoulder.
Repeat a few times on each side
Cow and Cat
While this isn't a twist, it feels really great after your seated twist and begins to move the spine in a different direction which is great for twisting warm ups!
Begin in table top with hands stacked under shoulders and knees stacked under hips
Cow pose - Inhale: Extend (arch) your spine, shoulders away from your ears. I pretend to reach the back of my head to my tailbone.
Cat pose - Exhale: Flex (round) your spine, press away from the floor. I imagine I'm trying to put my nose in my bellybutton.
Thread the Needle - Variation
From table top position.
To twist left - Inhale: reach your right arm up. Exhale: reach your right arm under your left arm.
Repeat 5 times
To twist right - Inhale: reach your left arm up. Exhale: reach your left arm under your right arm.
Repeat 5 times
Twisted Crescent With Variation (see below for alternate version)
To twist right:
While facing forward, step right foot forward and left foot back. Reach your arms overhead and as you lower your arms to counter height, twist to the right so your torso is reaching over your right hip. Gaze over your right shoulder for added neck stretch.
Variation: Reach your right arm towards your left leg and your left arm up.
To twist left:
While facing forward, step left foot forward and right foot back. Reach your arms overhead and as you lower your arms to counter height, twist to the left so your torso is reaching over your left hip. Gaze over your left shoulder for added neck stretch.
Variation: Reach your left arm towards your right leg and your right arm up.
Twisted Crescent Variation
If you have balance challenges or would like to focus on the twist without the balance, try this version!
To twist right:
While facing forward, step right foot forward and left foot back and come down to the back knee. Reach your arms overhead and as you lower your arms to counter height, twist to the right so your torso is reaching over your right hip. Gaze over your right shoulder for added neck stretch.
Use this 90 degree arm variation to work the latissimus muscles.
To twist left:
While facing forward, step left foot forward and right foot back. Reach your arms overhead and as you lower your arms to counter height, twist to the left so your torso is reaching over your left hip. Gaze over your left shoulder for added neck stretch.
Variation: Reach your left arm towards your right leg and your right arm up.
Use this 90 degree arm variation to work the latissimus muscles.
Twisted Chair and Variation
Begin standing with feet side by side, low abdominals engaged as in dance posture. Lower your hips as if you are going to sit in a tall chair. Place your hands at heart center in Anjali mudra and lower your torso towards your thighs.
To twist towards the right:
Inhale: lengthen your spine
Exhale: twist so your left elbow is reaching towards the outside of your right knee. Its OK if it doesn't reach!
To twist towards the left:
Inhale: lengthen your spine
Exhale: twist so your right elbow is reaching towards the outside of your left knee. Its OK if it doesn't reach!
To ensure you are getting the most out of your twist, keep your hips in line.
Tip: look down at your knees and line them up, this will line up your hips :) I imaging my prayer hands are coming to heart center and it really helps with the twist!
VARIATION: Lower your knee as you did in the crescent variation and twist from there.
Supine Twist
From laying on your back. Keep your shoulders down on the floor. You may not twist as much, but it's a correct and more effective twist! Getting your knee to the ground is not the point.
To twist right - Bring your left knee to your chest and cross it over your right leg. You can apply light pressure to the top of your left thigh. Gaze left for full spinal twist.
To twist left - Bring your right knee to your chest and cross it over your left leg. You can apply light pressure to the top of your right thigh. Gaze right for full spinal twist.
Windshield Wiper
One of my favorites!! Especially at the end of class!
Begin by laying on your back, knees bent with feet close to your hips (think bridge pose or crunches prep).
Walk your feet out a little more than hip distance.
Let both your knees fall over to the left, then back through center and over to the right.
Repeat as many times as you'd like.
I hope you enjoyed this little twist tutorial! This is definitely just an introduction, but start simple and you'll see really great results!! Keep me posted and feel free to send me questions DeAnna@pranabellydanceandyoga.com