Social Media Not Sparking Joy?

This week I'm excited about a different kind of Spring Cleaning. Similar to Marie Condo's method, I'm analyzing what brings me joy and getting rid of everything else. Only it's not my underwear's my social media. 

I've realized that in an attempt to stay connected over the past year, I've accumulated way too many things I do not need. Things like other people's opinions, judgment, exposure to angry, unhappy people, and behavioral influences that don't align with the person I strive to be. These things definitely do NOT bring me joy and in many cases have been a drain on my time, as well as my mental and physical health. Sure, they once served a purpose, but it's time to say thank you and goodbye to these people, things, and beliefs that do not spark joy. Anyone else feeling this need to Tidy Up?

I love this quote:


How are we supposed to follow our own paths if we are constantly letting other people's opinions influence us? If we let other people's beliefs impact us without critically thinking for ourselves, we are simply following their path. Not our own.

So how does one 'Tidy Up' their social life and influences? Here's my three-step plan. I'd love to hear your suggestions or experiences:

Unfollow people whose opinions I do not value - Notice I did not say "whom I don't agree with". I do think having differences of opinion in your social media feed is valuable and important for a balanced way of thinking. In fact, I think *not* valuing opposing opinions is what creates so much division and is a downside of social media algorithms. But you can still VALUE someone's opinion without agreeing with them. Just don't let them weigh you down.

Leave toxic groups - Unfortunately, I've joined groups thinking they were creating positive change when really all they are doing is complaining without any actual solutions. Well, canceling the person or company was the only solution ever offered. These groups do not need space in my day.

Replace my unfollows with people or groups that inspire me - I follow a few people that I've never even met and have zero connection with, but their posts inspire me or open my eyes to other points of view. I also joined groups of podcasters that I love and that motivate me to be a better person.

Does this sound like some Spring cleaning you want to do? I'd love to hear from you as well as your ideas for tidying up your social media and influences.


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