Our dance posture, while it is close to what is known as our anatomical neutral posture, can sometimes feel strange. We aren’t used to sitting or standing up tall, shoulders relaxed and a neutral pelvis. Imbalances, in activity, our desk jobs, phones, etc take a toll on our bodies so when we show up for dance class once or twice a week and try to not only get into dance posture, but also maintain it as we add movements, isolations, combinations, etc can be more challenging than we know. We often don’t even realize that as we’ve been dancing our shoulders rounded forward, our hips returned to the anterior tilt they were in all day and our neck is tense. We spend multiple hours a day not in dance posture, so it’s important we work on dance posture, just like our movements when we are training in the studio and at home.

This simple yoga sequence is designed to help your body more easily find dance posture and maintain it throughout your practice and hopefully beyond. Try this sequence a couple of times per week, hold positions as long as you’d like and be sure to move mindfully so you are finding your organic alignment, working at your edge and not pushing too far outside of your comfort zone.

I hope this sequence makes you feel amazing and ready to dance!

Feel free to comment or send me a message! I’d love to answer any questions and hear how its going!


Hooked On Slow Turns!


Migrations 2020